AGE OF ULTRON #2 by Bendis & Hitch

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The second issue for Age of Ultron is here but does it have the same quality as the first? Check out the review here!

Ultron-2Age of Ultron #2
Written by Brian Michael Bendis
Art by Bryan Hitch
Published by Marvel


Synopsis: Black Widow and Moon Knight fight for survival while the others try to figure out a plan.

Good: Age of Ultron continues with a great second issue and like the first book this one is split into two parts. The first part is Black Widow and Moon Knight working together to fight for survival while holding up in one of Fury’s old safe houses. The second half of the book brings us back to the group of survivors from the first book. The issue focuses on the team asking Peter Parker what he knows and getting a small preview of what the original attack by Ultron looked like.

Overall the writing for the book was really strong and the story was strong. It was interesting to see Black Widow and Moon Knight communicate through sign language when she was in trouble and I really enjoyed the conversations between Natasha and Mark.

Bendis has done a great job writing the dialogue between characters for this series so far. The art continues to look incredible, Hitch does an amazing job creating this city which is absolutely destroyed. Despite not really liking the sotry, I can definitely justify reading the book for the art alone. There was also a really great panel that featured Natasha and Mark looking at a wall of photos Fury set up during the Skrull Invasion. Another great panel was when Black Widow meets up with Moon Knight. Seeing the citizens get taken out by Ultron’s forces was violent and really showcased how much of a threat they are.

They ended this book perfectly with the final panel showing Steve/Captain America finally ready to fight back. It was a really powerful moment at the end of the page, especially seeing him in the condition he was in. It was a great uplifting moment to see him back to his normal self and ready to take on Ultron.

Bad: The good thing about this book is that it gives the reader a peak at what it looks like when Ultron first attacks. The writing still does not offer a lot of exposition about the event, but overall it’s not a huge problem.

One more small qualm that is probably pointless to mention, but that I will point out anyway, what’s with not even offering Peter Parker a coat or something. Granted, this story is most likely a continuation from the last issue, leaving off immediately in a situation finding the team short on supplies, but he looked cold. Peter Parker was held hostage, beaten, and rescued, and now he’s basically walking around with almost no shirt. Someone could at least offer him a blanket. Nitpicking, yes. Though it is something I did find myself questioning.

Overall: Age of Ultron continues to be strong and I’m very excited about this crossover. Bendis has been planning this for a long time and so far it has been worth the wait. I definitely recommend this series so far and I’m hoping Venom might make a cameo in it eventually.

Rating: 4.2/5

What were your thoughts on Age of Ultron #2? Do you think someone should get Spidey a new shirt?

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