Amazing Spider-man Featurette

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Want to know what Andrew Garfield ACTUALLY thought about Spidey’s new costume? Check out the video after the jump!

Hot on the heels of the highly anticipate release of Amazing Spider-man on DVD/Blu-ray this video popped up on the internet from, what I can only assume is part of the Special Features.

The video features Spider co-stars Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone as they sit in camera tests for hair & make-up and costumes.

Stone says this about the first time she saw her co-star and real-life boyfriend in the Spider-man costume for the first time:

I had a very childlike moment… You’re in the room with Spider-man, it was really insane …this is as Spider-man as it gets.”

and to some degree she is right. There’s nothing Halloween-y or cheap about the real thing, and it must have been quite the sight to behold. I wonder if she knows about all the diehard Spider-man cosplayers out there? There’s nothing cheap about their costumes either! To get ready for Halloween, and because I’m just a Halloween nut in general I’ve compiled a gallery of some of the coolest Spider-man renditions I could find! Let me know if you see yourself below or if you’ve seen a great one yourself post it on our Facebook page and we’ll make sure to share it with THE WORLD!

“What ever body is in that suit, doesn’t matter …he is everyone”

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