GREEN LANTERN #14 by Geoff Johns and Doug Mankhe

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Justice League tries to get to the bottom of the new Green Lantern. Click the jump to see more.

Green Lantern 14Green Lantern #14
Written by Geoff Johns
Art by Doug Mahnke
Published by DC Comics

Geoff Johns’ popularity is only growing nowadays, so it’s nice to see him writing comic books on the side. Johns has been doing well with Green Lantern and has written a new Green Lantern for fans to enjoy, Simon Baz. Since Sinestro and Hal Jordan are lost Baz has been chosen to wear the ring which is great for new readers just jumping on the title; as Baz figures out how to use the ring, new readers will be able to learn about the Green Lantern Universe.

Synopsis: Simon Baz is confronted by the Justice League and things don’t go so well.

Simon Baz and the Justice LeagueGood: The issue is very suspenseful and it starts with the Justice League confronting Baz about being a terrorist. It’s really cool to see Simon Baz interact with characters from the rest of the the DC Comics Universe in the character’s own Green Lantern title. It really reaffirms that Baz’s Lantern will be placed into canon. Further proof of this is that flagship writer, Geoff Johns not only created the character but will continue to write him into the main title! Meaning there’s more of Baz to come, and that hopefully other writers might continue Baz’s storyline for future comic books.

Simon Baz’s character is both enjoyable with a bit of a cool arrogance to him. This issue is not all about Baz as it’s also a continuation of Hal Jordan and Sinestro’s story from Green Annual #1. So, fans and new readers alike who have been reading the comic book are still able to understand the action involved in this issue, as well as follow along in continuity.

Doug Mahnke’s artwork did well with the suspenseful illustrations and he made sure to cater to some of the humor written by Johns in this issue. The panels were smooth and uncluttered making it easy to read.

green-lantern-v5-014011 Bad: Johns is juggling tons of storylines in this issue. He is not just focusing on Simon Baz’s story, but also doing the Guardians PLUS Hal Jordan and Sinestro’s story line as well. It’s rather ambitious of him to do so and if he’s not careful this may become confusing new readers getting into Green Lantern at this point. As for Mahnke’s artwork, he could have added more panels to create more excitement. Especially, when Baz is running away from the Justice League, I feel it was a missed opportunity on his part.

Johns is doing a lot with this character and hopefully fans of Green Lantern will continue to read this book. Baz is a good character and right now he’s in quite the predicament. So, for the next few issues  of Green Lantern this will definitely be more of a plot driven comic book. Down the line when Johns feels more comfortable maybe he will be able to do some character driven storylines for Baz.

Rating: 4.3/5  

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