Darwyn Cooke’s infamous attack on DC

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“… stop catering to the perverted needs of 45 year old men…” says Cooke. The 2010 interview that went viral!

The ComicsGate crowd recently tried to co-opt Cooke’s 2010 interview with the Syndicate to push their own evil agenda.

Please enjoy this interview we did with him in 2010, in which his fiery passion and deep convictions come through in only a few brief sentences.

Darwyn Cooke, you will be missed.

Of the hundreds of segments we’ve done, I am most grateful for our brief chat with Darwyn Cooke. He was just about to take break at Fan Expo 2010, when Jolie and I asked him for an interview. He suggested we come back later, but we politely *insisted* we only needed 30 seconds of his time.

I asked him a few quick questions, and the final one led to his explosive attack on DC Comics and Batman.

I carried around that DV tape the rest of the day like it contained the plans to the Death Star. We uploaded it the next day, and Cooke’s comments caused enough of a stir that the interview went viral.

Some of his comments (misinterpreted, imo) caused controversy among the LGBT community, while many younger fans mistook his attack on superhero comics as a criticism of ALL comics (seems comics fans are just as confused as general audiences).

In any case, we thank the fates we had the chance to capture this brilliant moment. Cooke defined what most of us at the Syndicate feel about superhero comics:

They are the modern version of ancient myths and fairy tales: The characters work best as symbols; The art style should be simple and straightforward, as defined by the genre’s early pioneers.

RIP Darwyn Cooke. You were one of the greats.


Originally posted on August 29, 2010.

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