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A strange transmission came in last night around 3 AM in what the crew of the Comic Book Syndicate have successfully identified as ‘Kryptonian’.

Krytonian message

Luckily we have a linguistics expert on the team who was able to crack the message:

Today is a big day for you, it’s
not everyday that you have a
birthday … it’s actually just
one day of the year in fact.
But happy birthday nonetheless.
Like a world without the safe
arms of Krypton’s only Son, a
world without Mike-EL would
have no Comic Book Syndicate!
With your charm, bright ideas, wit, talent,
kind nature and constant hard work
the world is made brighter. You are a
best friend to many and there are no words to
describe just how thankful we are to have you
around –not even in Kryptonian!
Thank you for all that you’ve done
and continue to do!

Happy Birthday Mike-EL!

From the entire cast and crew, it is with EXTREME pleasure that I get to say this.  Thank you Mike!

In the words of Albus Dumbledore (because you’re a way better writer than me, and I’m not terribly good with words) I, GI Jolie,  just want to remind you that you are: “exceptionally hard working, infinitely fair-minded, and most importantly, a fierce, fierce friend.”

He’s had some great moments over the years, get a load of Mike-EL in this full colour, tell-all gallery of photos!

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