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Cosmic…or what?
The mini-series-within-a-series fad comes to Quasar.
Your favourite cosmic-powered superhero teams up with the Ex-Squadron Supreme to investigate the death of several (billion) Watchers. How do The Stranger and the Over-Mind tie into this? Find out here!
Reviewing Quasar #13-16, by Mark Gruenwald, Mike Manley, Dan Panosian, and Keith Williams, featuring covers by Jim Lee, Todd McFarlane, Mike Mignola and Steve Lightle.
Joshua Murr-VELL and Mike-EL review another round of space-themed stories featuring Wendall Elvis Vaughn.

Quasar Qua-Nology reviews every chronological appearance of Marvel’s Greatest Cosmic Superhero: Quasar! Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Facebook, Youtube, and our website.
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