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…and they are spectacularly disappointing! Click the jump to see this hot comic book mess!

DC Comics tried to get us all excited when they announced their intention to release 52 Variant covers to celebrate the release of the new Justice League of America. Initially, according to numerous interviews with DC’s Co-Publisher Dan DiDio, this move was to be the only time in history that the release of variant covers was not meant to hose retailers; every shop owner would have equal opportunity to buy every cover equally. While not a direct quote the spirit of his comments to the media remain … and I actually sort of bought it. Maybe this ploy would be used to showcase some really dynamic cover artists from within DC’s deep, dark back pocket:

cat won't move

All of that nonsense about ” the country, as well as the various states” and trying to “seem just a bit more inclusive” is complete rubbish. Get a load of the steaming stack below:

As comic book fans we generally tend to wait on baited breath when variant covers are announced, whether we support the idea or not. It’s always fun to see ‘sneak peeks’ and advanced releases –we get to be in on the big secret, right? There’s no secret here though, just utter disappointment.

I can’t help but remember part of a statement that was made to MTV Geek about the covers NOT being the same:

“There will the initial “regular” cover of “Justice League of America” #1 — featuring an American flag — and then each of the variants will depict elements from each of the states.”

Okay. I see the part about the REGULAR cover. That’s in the first image for sure, but do you mean to tell me that state flags were the varying ‘element’ that is meant to set each cover apart from the next? This is your “positive comic news that contributes to hope and pride in the United States“???

I’m flabbergasted! THIS is it?!? I’m speechless. I would rather celebrate (inter-galactic ?) diversity with my OWN variants 🙂


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