Animal Man – by Grant Morrison & Chas Truog

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This week we discuss Animal Man Vol. 1 by Grant Morrison with art by Chas Truog

Animal Man Cover Every month Detroit Comics in Ferndale, MI invites friends and enemies to come in one graphic novel that the group has chosen. This month’s selection happens to be yet another offering from the Animal Man catalogue.

The Trade Paperback (TPB) collects Issues 1-9 of the industry changing title penned by award winning writer, Grant Morrison with art by Chas Truog and Doug Hazelwood.. also with brilliant covers by Brian Bolland. The comic was first published in single issues back in the late 1980s, and was revolutionary for it’s time. Issues ranged from those as complex as race relations and stereotypes to the seemingly simple problems of family ties. Many comic books of the day did not explore issues such as these within their superhero titles, making hard to believe that a character like Animal Man could be utilized for such a task.

These issues and many more came up during this installment of the Nerdy Book Club Podcast, but don’t take my word for it! You can listen to it right here through the player at the top of this post. (Bare with us while we work out the audio kinks.) If you want to buy a copy of the trade for yourself CLICK the image of the book to buy it on Amazon.

Originally posted on June 17, 2012.

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