Kenneth Johnson’s film of STEEL. After Superman and Batman, the next obvious choice of DC superheroes to adapt was STEEL (!), so here we are. Shaquille O’Neal...
Mad Max | LASER BRAINS #16
George Miller’s visionary classic. George Miller, Byron Kennedy and James McCausland create a redefining depiction of the future, helping shape science fiction for...
Legend Of The Green Flame by Neil Gaiman | UK CORRAL #14
Superman and Green Lantern – together again for the first time! In 1988, Neil Gaiman was commissioned to close out Action Comics Weekly with a story that featured...
Spawn (1997) | TAPED CRUSADERS #51
Destroy cinema first, ask questions later. Possibly the worst superhero movie we’ve ever seen (so far), Alan B. McElroy and Mark A.Z. Dippé adapt Todd...
The Last Starfighter | LASER BRAINS #15
The lost 80s classic. For every Earthling whose ever dreamed of adventures beyond the stars, comes the astonishing story of one who made it!Writer Jonathan R. Betuel and...
G.I.Joe (Action Force) by Grant Morrison | UK CORRAL #13
Quick Kick, Master Of Kung Fu. Another hidden gem among toy tie-in comics. Action Force was the UK name for the G.I.Joe toys and comic book tie-in. Here are two rare...
Batman & Robin (1997) | TAPED CRUSADERS #50
Let’s kick some ice! Joel Schumacher’s franchise-killing disaster is actually quite entertaining. Starring George Clooney as Batman, Chris O’Donnell as...
Captain Britain by Alan Moore (Pt. 1) | UK Corral #12
Dipped in magic, clothed in science. Alan Moore revamps Captain Britain, setting the stage for many revamps to come. Featuring art by the legendary Alan Davis. Reviewing...
A boy who needs a friend finds a world that needs a hero. Michael Ende’s novel is adapted by Wolfgang Petersen and Herman Weigel. Special guest Ryan joins Mike-EL...
Nick Fury: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. | TAPED CRUSADERS #49
Starring David F*cking Hasselhoff?! Writer David Goyer (Dark City, Blade, Batman Begins, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, Man of Steel, Terminator: Dark Fate...
The robots’ revolt has begun! A look back at the classic story by writer John Wagner, and artists Ron Turner, Ian Gibson, Carlos Ezquerra, and Mike McMahon and Ian...
Princess Mononoke | LASER BRAINS #13
You cannot change fate. However, you can rise to meet it, if you so choose. Hayao Miyazaki’s critically acclaimed film became the highest grossing film in the...
The Laser Brainers chat with audience members about Revenge of the Sith. Misunderstood masterpiece? Maybe… The live audience pipes in with their thoughts on George...
Revenge Of The Sith | LASER BRAINS #12
Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis? There’s a lot of story here, plus a lot of other stuff. For the Laser Brainers, this episode is a result of a 2nd...