The comic book that (mostly) inspired the TV show! Paul Kupperberg, Tod Smith and Pablo Marcos revive an old Charlton Comics character for the post-Crisis DC Universe...
Here Comes The Spider-Cast #130 | Spider-Man in March 1988
Todd McFarlane debuts! Reviewing Amazing Spider-Man #298 (David Michelinie, Todd McFarlane, Bob McLeod), Web of Spider-man #36 (Gerry Conway, Alex Saviuk, Keith...
It’s a long way back to Xelayaโฆ In this episode, Alara Kitan goes home. _________________________ More-Ville Orville reviews every episode of The Orville in...
Bortus becomes addicted to porn. G.I.Jolie, Champ-Ian & Mike-EL review a middling episode of The Orville. _________________________ More-Ville Orville reviews every...
A low-stakes season premiere that focuses on the characters, to great effect! Bortus must travel to Moclus for his annual bathroom break, and the crew of The Orville are...
The world outside your window, but with superpowers, aliens and robots. Reviewing a classic (or at least old) comic by Tom DeFalco, Terry Kavanagh, Ron Altaville, Howard...
Behold…The Gospel of Kelly! Kelly accidentally inspires a religion and Issac disappears for 700 years. It all ties together in the big season finale. Listen to G.I...
Here Comes The Spider-Cast #129 | Spider-Man in February 1988
The Living Brain! Electro! The Sin-Eater! Doctor Octopus! Reviewing Web of Spider-Man #35 (by Gerry Conway, Alex Saviuk, Keith Williams), Amazing Spider-Man #297 (by...
The season finale has dropped and the question still on everyone’s mind is, do you really want to taste it? Find out your answer in this week’s episode of...
LeMar’s dirty little secret. The Orville enters a two-dimensional…dimension. Join G.I.Jolie, Champ-Ian and Mike-EL as they continue to review every gosh darn...
Alara’s trial by clown! Something fishy is happening on The Orville, and Alara must figure out what it is. G.I.Jolie, Champ-Ian & Mike-EL review your favourite...
The comic that launched a thousand purchases! This issue features The New Fantastic Four, featuring Ms. Marvel (Sharon Ventura), Crystal, and old stalwarts Human Torch...
Here Comes The Spider-Cast #128 | Spider-Man In January 1988
Meanwhile, on the moon… Spider-Man plays football against some kids are addicted to crack (probably), Doc Ock has nightmares about well-dressed Spider-People...
Peacemaker Episode 7 “Stop Dragon me Around!” | Full Volume Podcast #51
There are casualties on all sides of this episodes, and none of them are Peacemaker’s sexuality! On this weeks podcast Harvey Brent and GI Jolie discuss this weeks...