He never broke the law. HE IS THE LAW! Screenwriters William Wisher, Steven E. de Souza and Michael De Luca join director Danny Cannon to waste $90 million dollars of...
Featuring Gotham City’s vilest villains! Reviewing “Pavane”, the origin of Poison Ivy, from Secret Origins #36 (January, 1989), and “When Is A...
Raiders of the Lost Ark | LASER BRAINS #10
The greatest adventure film ever made? Before it was renamed and re-fonted “Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark”, George Lucas, Philip Kaufman...
Batman Forever | TAPED CRUSADERS #45
Joel Schumacher destroys Batman! Before Batman was ruined by Zack Snyder, he was ruined by Joel Schumacher (but at least Schumacher has a decent resume to justify his...
I have two words for you. Brush your teeth! Jamie Hewlett and Alan Martin’s comic book comes to life, courtesy of Screenwriter Tedi Sarafian and Director Rachel...
Zoids by Grant Morrison (Pt. 2) | UK CORRAL #7
More shockingly good toy tie-ins. Reviewing ‘Spider-Man & Zoids’ #40 – 50, illustrated by Kev Hopgood, Steve Yeowell and Phil Gascoine. Join Mike...
John Carpenter’s original masterpiece. Before the sequels, spin-offs, remakes, remake sequels, reboots and reboot sequels, the original Halloween stood as a...
Alan Moore wrote STAR WARS comics? I have a good feeling about this… Reviewing “The Pandora Effect” from The Empire Strikes Back Monthly #151 (art by...
The Marvel UK superhero you’ve never heard of! Steve Parkhouse, artist of The Bojeffries Saga, delivers a vigilante superhero in the vein of The Shadow. Featuring...
Fantastic Four (1994) | TAPED CRUSADERS #43
Somehow, this movie was pretty good. Screenwriters Craig J. Nevius and Kevin Rock and director Oley Sassone adapt the classic Marvel Comic by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby...
Meet the toughest lawman of them all! Reviewing the first 8 Judge Dredd stories from 2000 A.D., by Patt Mills, John Wagner, Carlos Ezquerra, Peter Harris, Mike McMahon...
The Shadow | TAPED CRUSADERS #42
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? Alec Baldwin knows! David Koepp and Russell Mulcahy bring the proto-superhero to the big screen, in (another) failed 90s...
You’ve always been the caretaker. Stanley’s Kubrick’s adaptation of Stephen King’s classic novel. Joshua Murr-VELL, Mike-EL and Champ-Ian review a...
Violent Cases by Neil Gaiman | UK CORRAL #3
Neil Gaiman’s debut graphic novel featured stunning art by Dave McKean. Winner of the 1988 Mekon Award for “Best British Work” Nominated for the 1992...