From Greg Saunders to Adrian Chase. Reviewing Action Comics #42 (by Mort Weisinger and Mort Meskin), Justice League of America #78 (by Dennis O’Neil, Dick Dillin...
Cosmic…or what? The mini-series-within-a-series fad comes to Quasar. Your favourite cosmic-powered superhero teams up with the Ex-Squadron Supreme to investigate...
Trial Of The Incredible Hulk | TAPED CRUSADERS #27
Daredevil debuts on the small screen! The Hulk and Daredevil team up to take down the Kingpin! Written by Gerald Di Pego, Directed by Bill Bixby, and starring Bixby, Lou...
When You Take On The Responsibility, Great Power Will Come. The Madame Web Age Of Cinema begins here! Directed by S.J. Clarkson, Written by Matt Sazama, Burk Sharpless...
Superboy (1988) | TAPED CRUSADERS #26
The Boy Of Steel. Illya and Alexander Salkind bring a faithful adaptaiton of Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster‘s creation to the small screen. We review the original...
The Incredible Hulk Returns | TAPED CRUSADERS #25
Robert and Donald team up! The Mighty Thor makes his live action debut in this made-for-television movie sequel to the Incredible Hulk TV series. Featuring Bill Bixby...
Generation X | TAPED CRUSADERS #48
The seventh X-men spin-off comic get its own movie — before the X-men do! Writer Eric Blakeney (Wiseguy) and Director Jack Sholder (Nightmare On Elm Street 2:...
Will Eisner’s masked crimefighter is adapted to the small screen. During the dark days of the 1980s, Hollywood had no idea how to adapt comic strip characters...
Superman IV: The Quest For Peace | TAPED CRUSADERS #23
No pain, no gain! What the actual heck happened here?! Find out as your favourite podcast explores the fourth and final outing from Christopher Reeve and Co. Jordan...