Jeff Lemire’s critical darling from Vertigo is given the Nerdy treatment!
A blast from DC’s glorious Silver Age past!
Spider-man makes a surprise cameo in this classic Weekly episode of the Syndicate!
Ed Brubaker’s science fiction tale of mods in the post-apocalyptic town of New Bethlehem!
Windsor’s newest comic book shop pulled out all the stops for FCBD 2014!
The second cinematic restart Spidey story from Sony is scrutinized by the Syndicate!
An early classic by Neil Gaiman! Did this comic inspire Harry Potter?
Looks like Spidey has his own comic book review show!
Wonder Woman Volume 1: Blood is reviewed by the Nerdy Book Club!
“… stop catering to the perverted needs of 45 year old men…” says Cooke. The 2010 interview that went viral!
We find out what comic books these fine folks from TO enjoy reading!
Matt Fraction’s smash hit comic book is reviewed by the folks at Detroit Comics!
A look into the adventures of Spider Jerusalem, from your pals at the Syndicate.
The classic tale by Alan Moore from Saga of the Swamp Thing #21!