Cap. Friend of Foe? Find out now in our review of the latest issue from Marvel Comics!
Is this issue a SMASH? Click through to our review to find out…
Check out what’s been happening with the NEW team!
Do we really need ANOTHER Wolverine title? Find out if it’s any good…
Read our review of the issue #30 RIGHT NOW!
Windsor, Ontario joins the list of cities featuring this social gathering of artists!
Today is Syndicate Producer G.I.Jolie’s Birthday!
The man with the plan talks all things Christmas Con!
Watch the entire costume contest from ‘A Merry Comic Book Christmas Con’ right here!
Al Marcotte interviews everyone’s favourite droid!
“This is why the outside world laughs at us. This is ****”
Local artist April Fawler discusses her tear-inducing experiences at comic conventions!
He was born on the south side of the North Pole… in a crossfire hurricane!
With the news that Peter David is recovering from a stroke,