The Situation is a Superhero Now?

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Well I guess all bets are off then…

Mike ‘The Situation’ Sorrentino of Jersey Shore fame is now a comic book. Yes. You heard me.

News had been flying around like wildfire early this month that this was going to happen and while I’d like to say there was a mixed reaction from the community of comic book readers I tweet with and talk to on a regular basis, there is not. I myself do not watch the show and am physically incapable of supporting talentless fame whoring, so I’m really not excited about this project in the least. OH LOOK, someone else seems to be and that would be The Situation himself. Go figure.

“I was confident that an amazing artist like Greg Horn would come up with a great look, but I was still blown away by his painting,” said Sorrentino. “It has me more excited than ever to see what’s coming next.”

While Horn’s art makes Sorrentino look like a super-tanned supergod, I can’t help but wonder what the heck is going on with his noggin; Like the Grinch it’s 2 sizes too small —and what’s with the porn star arm candy?!?

ANYWAY! The comic book is being unleashed on the world in collaboration with Wizard World with the Sorrentino Family signed on to headline the next round of Wizard Conventions.

The team consists of Writer Paul Jenkins, Talent Caldwell on pencils and ink, and Paul Mounts on colours.

While I’m extremely curious… come mid-August (When the book is expected to drop) I think I will pass on this one. What about you? Will you be picking it up?

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