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“We interrupt this change in format…”

We’ve done it. We’ve officially made it to episode TWO of the podcast and in it, our review of WandaVision episode 4.

Our stellar super-hosts, Harvey Brent and G.I. Jolie continue to cover the one-two punches that this Disney+ programming continues to through at us! You can tune in to the video version here or on Youtube, and stay tuned for the audio only version coming to your favourite podcasting platform soon!

On this episode of WandaVision, a brief “un-spoiler-y-ish” recap…

This episode of WandaVision introduces the viewer to the world outside of Westview.

Two new character’s are introduced to the cast and they are instrumental to unveiling the major conceit that has been driving the plot of the show up until this point: FBI Agent Jimmy Woo, and Astrophysicist Doctor Darcy Lewis. As it turns out, the missing persons who are being reported are Agents of S.W.O.R.D. and they’re trapped in Westview. Doctor Darcy figures out that the barrier surrounding the town contains a broadcast signal and can accessed using an old tube television. They spend their evenings, using the tv to view ‘episodes’ of Wandavision, using it to identify all of the missing people among the cast of the show.

Agent Woo spots Geraldine (or Agent Monica Rambeau) on one of the broadcasts and more secrets are uncovered that explain the weird occurrences in the first few episodes: The toy helicopter, the radio transmission, and the beekeeper. We also get a little more of Monica’s backstory which is a treat for fans of the Cinematic Universe who are familiar with her history with Captain Marvel.

An exciting connection to the film franchise

This episode is also the second time we see “the Blip” and it’s affect on other characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The last time this happened in a film was during Spider-man: Homecoming. As it turns ou,t Monica is one of the people that disappeared during the Blip and has, like 50% of the population, been missing for 10 years. In that 10 year period we learn that she lost her mother and has since hooked up with S.W.O.R.D for a top secret project related to her infiltration of Westview.

Tell us what you think!

The next episode of Full Volume will be available next Sunday, so we hope you’ll keep listening! We may even have a friend of two drop in to help us review! Let us know what you think, or if you think we missed anything that you’d like to include! Should we expand our repertoire to include chats about other Marvel Disney+ shows? You decide!

Interested in other podcasts by the Comic Book Syndicate?
Take a look here: for the first unofficial review of WandaVision by the Syndicate!

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