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Dances with alligators or “grief is the perseverance of love”

Things in Westview are wicked and strange now that we’ve reached Episode 8 of WandaVision, so maybe it’s a good thing Harvey Brent is M.I.A. for this episode of the Full Volume Podcast. We definitely miss Brent’s brand of sass; unmatched, unchecked, and unfiltered as it is, so to make sure we stay on track we have Joshua Murr-VELL (Here Comes the Spider-cast) filling the co-host chair!

This tiny recap includes a spoiler, so move along!

The beginning of the episode takes place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1683. It is the height of the infamous Salem witch trials and Agatha Harkness, stands tied to a stake. Agatha is accused of seeking out and using dark magic by the members of her own coven. A big no-no.

The coven passes judgement, finding her guilty, and they try remove her powers. However, Agatha has become more powerful than all of them combined and she destroys the coven. Agatha frees herself and walks away, but not before grabbing a brooch from her dead “Mother’s” body.

Intimidation is the sincerest form of flattery

As it turns out, the power used to create Wanda’s new reality is what attracts Agatha. Agatha’s curiosity and thirst for more power is the reason why she casts herself as “friendly, neighbour Agnes”.

Agatha tells Wanda that she is a Witch in order to gain Wanda’s trust. She hopes to get more information from Wanda by leveling with her, but this doesn’t work. Wanda isn’t just resistant to telling Agatha, she actually doesn’t understand or know how she did any of it.

In order to help Wanda (and herself) Agatha casts a memory recall charm in a last ditch effort to uncover the information that she needs.

The episode turns into re-runs of Wanda’s memories, finally revealing the origin of Wanda’s powers: Wanda was born with latent abilities that manifested at a young age. Finally, Wanda’s memory of a HYDRA experiment solidifies Agatha’s theories; Agatha sees a familiar silhouette in Wanda’s memory of the Mind Stone, which indicates to her (and also the viewer) that Wanda is a actually mythological being.

Wanda is a “Scarlet Witch”.

Are you interested in other podcasts by the Comic Book Syndicate?
Take a look here: for the first unofficial review of Wandavision by the Syndicate!

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