FAN EXPO Day 1 – G.I. Jolie’s diary

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Hey Everybody! Here are just some of the photos and video from this year’s Fan Expo!

It has been a long time since anybody has heard from me but here I am! Fresh and alive, and back from a long weekend in Toronto, Ontario, Canada for Fan Expo 2013! The team from The Comic Book Syndicate arrived on the show floor a little later than expected on Friday afternoon but were able to get you some great coverage. It’s been posted before and I’m going to post it again because this whole #Batffleck thing has become enormous and unsettling. My great friend Carolina was great enough to help us all day with our interviews, and got some really great responses.

Did you miss it before? Make sure to watch reactions to news from the convention floor, and weigh-in with your thoughts in the comments sections below!

I also got the chance to do one of my favourite things which is talking to, and taking photos of all most of the amazing cosplayers wandering around the convention floor! One in particular caught my eye and that was Andrew Rader. He was dressed as Bones from Star Trek. I can only assume that he was doing the Karl Urban version because he also resembles the actor quite a bit. The great thing about his cosplay as a famed space explorer was that he also appeared at Fan Expo to promote himself. You see, Andrew is also a Spacecraft Engineer –with a PhD from MIT and everything! Mr. Rader or… Dr. Rader (?) was there to make sure he gets voted into space! He’s also been featured on the show Canada’s Greatest Know-it-All. Judging by his competition, one is simply a Youtube ‘Superstar’, Andrew is the only qualified candidate in the running.

Andrew Rader Mars

Find him on Facebook HERE and follow @marsrader on Twitter!
You can vote for him by visiting

Here are the rest of my photos from Friday! If you see yourself of someone you know, hit us up in the comments below!

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